Daily Newsletter

Indlela yokuphusisa amathole lamathokazi

Bhekimpilo TshalibeINGCITSHI kwezokufuya sezixwayise abalimi abagcina inkomo zochago ngendlela abangazilandela nxa befuna ukuphusisa amathole ukumunya.UMnumzana Cosmas Muzunde ongu-Dairy Officer esabelweni seMatabeleland North ukhuthaze abalimi abafuye inkomo zochago ngendlela zokuphusisa amathole…

I-tsunga ilemali emangalisayo

Bhekimpilo TshalibeINGCITSHI kwezokulima sezixwayise abalimi ukuthi kulesi isigaba sokulima belime imbhida yohlobo lwe-tsunga bazitshayele imali emangalisayo.UMnumzana Edward Chikwaya Ongu-Agricultural Extension Officer kunhlanganiso yeZimbabwe Development Democracy Trust (ZDDT) ukhuthaze abalimi ukuthi…

Ukulima indlubu okulenzuzo

Bhekimpilo TshalibeINGCITSHI kwezokulima sezixwayise abalimi ukuthi kulesi isigaba sokulima belime indlubu ngoba zilenzuzo emangalisayo.UMnumzana Mduduzi Dube ongu-Agronomist kumkampani yeAgriseeds usekhuthaze abalimi ukuthi balime indlubu ngoba zilenzuzo emangalisayo. Uthe indlubu kazihluphi…

Industrial hemp and medicinal cannabis catalysts for Zim economic transformation

Industrial hemp and medicinal cannabis serve as catalysts for transformative change, with the potential to significantly contribute to the industrialisation agenda, a Cabinet Minister said. Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and…

Treasury willing to review tax proposals

Nelson Gahadza Senior Business Reporter Treasury may review its position on some of the taxes in the 2025 National Budget proposals to address certain concerns raised by captains of industry…

Zim treads carefully on US$100m VFEX bond

Business Reporter GOVERNMENT recently reiterated its commitment to issuing a US$100 million bond on the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX) to mobilise resources it needs to finance critical infrastructure projects.…

Youth recognised as future of export trade

Business Reporter THE Government has pledged to support the Eagles Nest programme, a youth export business incubation initiative, as part of the ultimate goal of growing national exports. Foreign Affairs…

SA business confidence jumps as hopes grow

SA business confidence jumps as government hopes grow. The index jumped to 118,1 in November from 114,2 in October and 110,2 the month before, the chamber said yesterday. South Africa’s…

Pick n Pay shuts first hyper market

Pick n Pay has quietly shut one of its Hypermarkets, the store known as Hyper Vaal.  This is the first Hypermarket that has closed in the country. It is located…

Amendment to Section 80A to boost fiscal contributions from professionals

Sikhulekelani Moyo, mskhulekelani16@gmail.comTAX experts have hailed the recent amendment to Section 80A of the Income Tax Act (Chapter 23:06), saying it will enhance professionalism and ensure equitable contributions to the…

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