Innocent Kurira
THE Bulawayo City Council (BCC) has resolved to waive the US$890 shortfall in stadium hire fees owed by Highlanders FC which emanated from the supporters’ match boycott against ZPC Kariba in October.
The local authority raised only US$604,89 against a prescribed stadium hire fee of US$1 495, translating to a shortfall of US$890,11. The match had attracted 1 314 spectators. Highlanders subsequently wrote to the council requesting a waiver of the outstanding amount. The letter from the club read: “We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9 October 2024, regarding the outstanding stadium hire fee balance of $890,11 for the Highlanders FC versus ZPC Kariba match held on 6 October 2024.
“We respectfully request a waiver of this outstanding amount due to extraordinary circumstances that led to our supporters’ unplanned boycott of the match. This unprecedented event significantly reduced attendance, resulting in a shortfall in ticket revenues, which would have covered the stadia hire fees under typical circumstances,” Bosso wrote.
Their plea did not fall on deaf ears as according to the latest council minutes, the Director of Housing and Community Services reported that Highlanders supporters had mobilised to gather at the team’s Club House instead of attending their team’s match against ZPC Kariba at Barbourfields Stadium on October 6.
“This resulted in only 1 314 spectators attending the said match. The unprecedented event led to the Club’s failure to pay fully the stadium hire fees as ticket sales plummeted. “The council noted that Highlanders FC had been a good stakeholder and ambassador for the city, contributing substantially to the council’s coffers through stadium hire fees. The team’s presence in the City particularly on match days had some ripple effects in the City’s economy. The hype associated with the team’s pre and post-match atmosphere reverberated across many sectors ranging from transport, retail, vending and entertainment amongst others,” read the minutes.
“The role that the team had played in the city could not be overemphasised as they had been good ambassadors. The team had placed the City and nation on the global sporting map. “Highlanders Football Club largely depended on its loyal followers through gate takings and their boycott of the ZPC Kariba match inevitably destabilised the team’s finances hence their inability to fully pay stadium hire fees.”
The city fathers indicated that in the just-ended season, it only failed to collect what was due to the council during the ZPC Kariba match and the one against Arenel which missed the target by a mere US$92, as this was a midweek fixture.
In the previous six of Highlanders FC‘s home games, a total of US$16 479,29 was generated.
It was therefore resolved and recommended that the request for a waiver of shortfall on stadium hire fees by the Highlanders be acceded to.