The Rhodesia Herald,
21 January 1971
REVISED figures in the interim report on the 1969 population census released yesterday confirm that more than 36 percent of Rhodesia’s African population live in European areas, where they out-number the Europeans by nearly eight to one.
The revised census totals show that there are 4 846 930 Africans, 228 296 Europeans, 8 965 Asians and 15 153 Coloureds. A total of 1 758 830 Africans live in European areas and 3 082 950 live in African areas of whom 2 921 840 live in Tribal Trust Land areas.
Mashonaland South is the most densely populated part of the country with every square kilometre supporting 27 people of all races.
Bulawayo is the most densely populated city with 158 to every square kilometre. Salisbury has 94 to every square kilometre.
Tribal Trust Land is the most densely populated land area at 18 to every to every square kilometre. European areas are the next most densely populated areas at 14 to every square kilometre of which 88 percent are Africans.
A volume on African population figures will be released soon.